Quick Fresh Quinoa Salad (Serves 2)

So… I’ve been told by my doctor that I have IBS and to try cutting out wheat for 6 weeks. I’ve decided to go the whole hog and not eat gluten. The first week was a little traumatic as I mourned the loss of bread, pasta, regular oats (who knew there was gluten in those!), but I’m getting in the swing now. I made a yummy recipe and I thought I’d share it.

100g quinoa (part cooked)

1 carrot

1 avocado

1 lemon

6 walnuts

1 fresh tomato

spring of mint

50g Greek salad cheese

unrefined sugar

So… I wanted something super speedy, so I bought pre-cooked quinoa that you can cook like couscous. You add boiling water and wait 3-5 minutes.

You grate the carrot (I don’t peel carrots, there’s lots of nutrients in the skin), chop the avocado and tomato. Once the quinoa is ready (I had to drain it a little as I got overenthusiastic with the boiling water) mix it in with the toms and avocado and carrot, squeeze in some lemon (I started with a half lemon, but I love the lemony flavour so used a whole thing). Chop up the mint and walnuts before adding them to the bowl.

Add salt and pepper and sugar to taste, then serve in bowls before crumbling Greek salad cheese over each serving.

I was going to post a picture of this, but I ate it before I got the chance! I still have lots of avocado left, so I may make it again so I can post a pic up.

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